English-speaking church in Eindhoven
Anglican Diocese

Anglican Diocese Deanery Day

Praise God for the Body

Ruan Crew, our Area Dean, writes: “We are very excited about this year’s Deanery Day, which is going to be very different to previous years. We want to bring together people from all our congregations across the Netherlands for an enjoyable and inspiring time of fellowship and connecting with each other. This day is not only for clergy, or wardens, or treasurers, or other role-holders – we are inviting everyone! Former archdeacon Paul Vrolijk will be our speaker, helping us see the bigger picture of our churches and find out how our involvement makes a difference. There will be moments of worship, plenty of interaction and moments of laughter and fun. See you there!”

The event will be held at Amersfoort, for address details (and directions) see the map above.


The Deanery Day will have a threefold emphasis:

  • Inspiring those who come to our churches with a sense of how their involvement matters and makes a difference
  • Connecting people and chaplaincies across the deanery
  • Revealing the bigger picture of the Anglican churches in the Netherlands.

Overall, we want to bring together people from across our churches for a day of fellowship and worship, learning and inspiration, encouragement and fun.


10.00 Arrival
10.30 Welcome, introduction & opening worship
11.00 Morning session: Paul Vrolijk
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Afternoon session: Paul Vrolijk
14.30 Tea & cake
15.00 Wrap-up and closing prayers
15.30 Depart

Space is limited — so in order to register please email Simon Urquhart at deaneryday24@anglican.nl.

The Deanery Day is open to everyone in the chaplaincies in the Netherlands. There is no charge, but we ask you to bring your own lunch. Coffee and tea will be provided. Details about how to register will follow in due course.