English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Council (Page 2)

Trinity Church is constituted with a Church Council. This is a committee of elected lay people and various ex-officio members led by the pastor. Their role is to support the ministry and mission of Trinity church. The Council meet most months through out the year on second Mondays of the month. If you have any matters you would like to bring to the church council for consideration please contact the pastor or speak to a council member.

Rajiv Besant

Rajiv Besant

Hello! My name is Rajiv Besant and I am excited to be a part of the church council at Trinity. I have been a member of this congregation for 4 years. Through my experiences, I have come to appreciate the love, support, and sense of community that is fostered here. I hope to help further…

Bala Joseph Asirvatham

Bala holds the position of Lay Synod representative from our church at the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe. He is also the member of the Church Council. In the past years he also held the position of Church Warden. He is appointed by the Bishop as Chalice Assistant to assist in the Holy Communion. Bala is…