English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Spiritual Gifts Course

The cell group that meets on Tuesday evenings will be starting a new study series after the summer vacation called DESIGN.

This course will seek to give you an understanding of what Spiritual Gifts are, their purpose, to whom they have been given; and at the end of the course it will give you a springboard towards understanding the gift(s) that YOU have been given and how you could possibly explore and experience the joy of using those gifts for the building of Christ’s church.

A typical evening will involve worship, watching a study video, filling in our worksheets for some self-reflection, group discussion, and prayer.

Our cell group invites you to come join us in our new study and exploration. If you want to join as a group, please let us know in your email and we will try to take that into account if we need to do breakouts for discussions.

Please email Hsiang Ling (e-mail address in weekly newsletter) if you would like to join us or if you have any questions about this course! Hope to see you there!