English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Online Sunday Service

Trinity Church will not be holding any usual meetings or services until allowed by relevant health authorities. Fellowship, worship, prayer and service will now be facilitated by online platforms (this meeting) or ‘hybrid’ services (limited physical attendance plus online). To ensure you receive Trinity communications and are able to join our on-line events as an attender of Trinity Church you need to be subscribed to our newsletters. If you have not subscribed yet you can sign up to our newsletter here.

Also, regularly attending church members need to be registered in the church directory. If you are a Trinity member (coming to church services) please fill out the Newcomers Form if you are not already in the church directory.

More information about how to join our online services can be found here.

Virtual Offering Bag

No virtual church service would be complete without a virtual offering bag! If you usually make an offering during the physical service you are able to do so online as well.

If you wish to make an offering please select an amount below and click the ‘Submit offering’ button. You will be automatically transferred to our secure online processor. You can use iDEAL or a range of other options.

Total: € -

Amounts display as European numbering using a comma as the decimal point. No financial data is stored on the Trinity Church website.

Virtual ‘Gill Tin’

Normally the ‘Gill tin’ is available after the church service for donations towards food and other necessities for the Gill family exiled in Sri Lanka. As we unable to physically meet we have setup an online donation option below. Any donation made here will be specially marked for the Gill family.

Total: € -

Amounts display as European numbering using a comma as the decimal point. No financial data is stored on the Trinity Church website.

You can also visit our Coronavirus information page for detailed information on what Trinity Church is doing during the Coronavirus emergency.