English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Aglow September Meeting and Lunch

We would like to warmly invite you to join us in person at our September meeting. Our Speaker is Dianne de Jong. It has been a year since we were physically able to be in each other’s company, and although we have been blessed by our Zoom fellowship, it is good to gather together again. We realize though that this may not be possible for a number of our members, and so we will continue to offer the choice of joining us via Zoom. Following our meeting, we invite you to share in a Bring-and-Share meal. Please bring something of your choice and we will provide the drinks.

COVID-measures for meeting:
We will follow the government guidelines for churches which state that we may come together to share in our faith. We should continue to maintain 1,5m distance from each other. There is no prohibition to singing. The church will be well ventilated. If you have any COVID symptoms, please stay at home.

Aglow Eindhoven