Worship Services

Offering God worship is a big part of our life in Trinity Church Eindhoven (“TCE”). Jesus wants his church to witness to him and one way we can be that witness is through worshipping together as people from many nations. As an International church we worship in English because it is the language most international people in Eindhoven work in.
While our microphones all understand the English language, when it comes to style we seek to reflect diversity rather than uniformity in worship. Just as one size of clothing will not fit everyone, our pattern of Sunday services are intended to help people from many traditions and church backgrounds worship God together.
To this end we have developed a monthly pattern of Sunday services that vary in style while being constant in basic pattern and Biblical faithfulness. This reflects a value of being firm on Gospel content, while being flexible about its expression. We currently support four approaches to corporate worship. It is quite possible that not every approach is helpful for everyone. However our hope is that at least one or two services will be helpful and allow you to join with others in regular Sunday Worship. Our Sunday services are typically about 90 minutes long with refreshments to follow.
The schedule of services and descriptions on the Sunday Services page may help you choose a service to think of as home while also suggesting a service you might wish to try as a new possibility.
Alongside our services for adults and children there are also créche, children and teen formation ministries.
Prayer Ministry is often available during communion on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. This involves a pair of trained people praying for you after listening to what God would have them pray. There is a space set aside and announced from the pulpit for this, On other Sundays please approach anyone with a red dot on their name badge during the coffee time for prayer.