English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Prayer Points

This prayer list below is for ongoing, general, topics, if you have a specific prayer request (not covered by, not for addition to this list) please notify the prayer team using the Prayer Request page.

Ongoing Prayer Topics


  • Thank God for those willing to take up leadership positions and to serve to the local church in this way.
  • The Wardens and Church Council: unity in the Spirit as they seek discernment on various matters & clarity on God’s leading in all decisions.
  • For our Pastor & partner that they may know God’s leading and empowering as they minister amongst us; growing and equipping us for ministry and mission.
  • Ministry Teams: website & newsletter content, website & server administration, music, welcome, sound, beamer, coffee, cleaning — that all may be done for the glory of God.
  • Cell Groups – encouraging one another to grow and keep running the race with eyes fixed on Christ.
  • All who serve may do so with humility and joy.

Our Church Family

  • Thank God we have a vibrant, open community that we can come to in freedom.
  • That we may be one in Christ and continually learn what it means to love one another.
  • That we would come to know Jesus deeply, and live as ‘little Christs’ wherever God has placed us.
  • For wisdom as we pray about our venue and facility needs – that we may discern if, when, and where God might be leading.
  • For those who are sick or in pain – physical, emotional, mental or spiritual – for wholeness & a sense of God’s gracious presence.
  • For those struggling with bondage or addiction – that they might have wise counsel and people who can help them on the (often) long journey to freedom and release.
  • Those facing challenging circumstances – patience and strength to trust, endure and not lose hope.
  • The challenges and blessings of marriage and family life.
  • For those expecting children.
  • The challenges and blessings of singleness and childlessness.
  • Many being away from wider family networks and the challenges of living at a distance.

Prayer Focus Points

Youth and Children 

  • Thank God for His obvious blessings among us and the growth of these ministries.
  • Pray for our ministry teams – Stepping Stones; Kidzchurch; 1Tim4Twelve and TYDE.
  • Pray for the leaders – wisdom, inspiration and strength to grow young disciples.
  • Pray for the young people – that they may see and know Jesus as the Way, the Truth and the Life for themselves.
  • Pray for parents – that there would be good communication and a sense of working together for the building up of God’s Kingdom

Mission and Outreach

  • Pray for the Diocese and wider church network.
  • Thank God that we can partner with so many in the spread of the gospel.
  • Pray for our mission partners.