English-speaking church in Eindhoven


The Chaplaincy of Trinity Church Eindhoven

We are an English-speaking, international church (in Dutch, ‘kerk’). Our congregation is made up of local residents and people from around the world who find themselves in the Eindhoven region of the Netherlands, or nearby Belgium, and who want to worship and fellowship in English. We are part of the Anglican (Church of England) Diocese in Europe.

Our life contains many of the features common to local churches around the world such as Sunday worship, children’s ministry, youth ministry, small group life, a church website, a variety of worship styles, an international young adults/students fellowship and opportunities for service.

This information is made available for the purposes of complying with the Netherlands ANBI transparency regulations.

1. Name

We are part of the Archdeaconry of North West Europe, the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe, and are known as ‘Trinity Church Eindhoven’.

2. Constitutional Position

Trinity Church Eindhoven is in the Archdeaconry of North West Europe/Anglicaanse Kerk in Nederland (anglican.nl).

It is governed by the ecclesiastical laws of the Church of England, (churchofengland.org) and the constitution and rules of the Diocese in Europe (europe.anglican.org).

3. RSIN and KvK Numbers

The church RSIN is 858885785 and the KvK number is KVK 71880089

4. URL/Website Address


5. E-Mail Address/Telephone Number

Email: To email us please use the contact form and select ‘Information Request’ from the category list.

Phone: TBA

6. Visiting Address With Postal Code

De Pracht 1, 5583CW Waalre, The Netherlands

7. Postal Address With Postal Code

Trinity Church Eindhoven, De Pracht 1, 5583CW Waalre, The Netherlands

8. Church Officers, Including Council

The Chaplain chairs the church council, there are two Church Wardens, one Treasurer, one Secretary, two Archdeaconry Synod representatives, up to eight elected council members, one other clergy and one lay-reader. Furthermore a Safeguarding Officer and Electoral Roll Officer are appointed, but do not sit on the church council.

9. Salaries Policy

The church shall have such stipendiary clergy and other ministers or staff as is agreed between the Bishop and the church council. Their stipends shall be determined in accordance with or on the basis of stipulations made by, on behalf or with the concurrence of the Bishop. Neither stipendiary or salaried staff, nor volunteer officers or councillors, will receive any remuneration or other financial compensation, however named, in respect of their work in governing the church; and such activities shall not be deemed to establish any claim to tax exemption or tax-exempt payments. Exceptional expenses may be compensated financially only to the maximum nominal amount.

10. Activity
Policy plan:

The national policy plan is to be found at the website of the Archdeaconry (anglican.nl).

The local policy is:
  • The public worship of God, proclaiming His love in Word and Sacrament;
  • To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom;
  • To teach, baptise and nurture new believers;
  • To respond to human need by loving service;
  • To transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation;
  • To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation, and sustain and renew the life of the earth.
  • The Chaplaincy may have paid staff and other workers, and also may compensate volunteer workers for their activities to the maximum allowable annual amount.
11. Objectives

The objectives are to involve all associated with Trinity Church Eindhoven to implement the policy. Our objective is summarised by our vision statement: making and growing disciples of Jesus.

12. Activities Report

In the past year we occupied ourselves with implementing the local policy.

13. Financial

Statement of ‘Income & Expenses 2023’ as approved at the 2024 Annual General Meeting on 14 April 2024.

Income Budget 2023 Actual 2023 Budget 2024
Giving to church and collections € 176,211 € 157,793 € 182,632
Fundraising € 5,000 € 6,409 € 5,000
Other income € – € 4,744 € –
Total income 181,211 168,946 187,632
Operational expenses € 167,400 € 161,341 € 173,500
Charitable giving € 13,811 € 14,768 € 14,132
Other expenses € – € 1,324 € –
Total expenses 181,211 177,433 187,632