English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Easter Dinner

This is an opportunity to share your faith in a friendly setting in our church. Bring your friends from a different faith or no faith.

If you cannot bring someone then come to share your faith or to practically support the event. Please read below for details.

Support the dinner:

  • Pray for the event and those who are coming as guests
  • Supply food and drinks – We need help! Contact Manju
  • Volunteer to help with the organisation – Decorate, Hospitality, Organise

To volunteer speak to any of the following at church: Bala Joseph, Jape Merisalo, Manju, Helen, Pamela, Joan Schutte, Jan, Daniel Manohar

To register to attend the Easter dinner complete the form below and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Total number of adults attending – including yourself and your guests.
Total number of children (under 16) attending – including your guests.