English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events (Page 3)

Watch and Pray

Lent Wednesday Evening Prayer

During Lent Trinity Church will be holding special Wednesday evening prayer events at Trinity Church instead of online.

XEE Start Info 2024 – Session 1

XEE Course Start Info for inviting people to join the XEE Course about friendship evangelism. Come and learn what the course is all about!


Trinity Church is arranging an XEE Day on 9th March 2024 between 09:00 – 18:00 in the church creche room. The XEE Day is a crash course on how to share the gospel. The course is open for all ages between 14 and 99 years old. We cover topics how to start conversation, establish connections…

Capernwray Student Stories

On Sunday 3rd March the 4 visiting students and Pamela Armstrong (a student at Capernwray in 2023) will host an informal evening of worship and testimony about their Capernwray experiences. You are welcome from 17.30 for a ‘hot dog’ dinner. Then we will move into worship with interspersed times of sharing and space for questions.…

Christ Our Life

On the 16th of February Charles Price is coming to Trinity Church Eindhoven to speak about the topic ‘Christ our Life’. In this evening we will dive into the meaning of living together with Christ. Charles has been the principal of Capernwray Hall England (a Torchbearers Bible School Centre) in the past and has travelled…

Ash Wednesday 2024

Ash Wednesday marks the start of the Lent season. On Ash Wednesday, as God’s children we gather together to receive the imposition of Ashes. Ash Wednesday reminds us that we still live in a fallen world and we are part of this fallenness. But through the death and resurrection of Christ we can boldly and…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2024 — Eindhovenweek van gebed voor eenheid 2024 — Eindhoven Information sites: English: https://www.oikoumene.org/resources/week-of-prayer-for-christian-unityDutch: https://www.weekvangebed.nl And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” Luke 10:27…

Mercy Fund Presentation

Job Arts and Na’amah Smith, leader of the Mercy Fund, will be presenting the activities of the Mercy Fund in Israel. The Mercy Fund is part of Christ Church, located in the old city of Jerusalem. This is part of the Christian Mission under the Jews or CMJ, which also has a church in the…

Watch Night Service 2023

We gather this night to remember with thanksgiving all that God has done for us and welcome the new year 2024.