English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events

Trinity Book Club 2024/2025

The measure of how radical a revolution Christianity was — and, indeed, continues to be — is that the West, having become utterly saturated by Christian assumptions, remains unable to recognise them as such. Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind, Tom Holland Come to the 2024/25 Trinity Book Club to discover more! In 2023/2024…

Kidzchurch Pancake Party 2025

Children in the Diamonds group, here’s your challenge: Learn the Beatitudes  and receive a special invitation to the party! Get ready for fun, fellowship, and delicious pancakes as we celebrate together. Don’t miss it!

Ash Wednesday Service 2025

Marking the start of the season of Lent, the Ash Wednesday service includes the imposition of ashes in the form of a cross on the forehead, as we remember that we are dust, and to dust we will return, as we soberly and penitently acknowledge the ways we sin and fall short of the glory…

Youth Service January 2025

“Why did God create things? Was He bored? Why did God create Satan and sin? And why don’t we have laser eyes?!” Mark Robinson will be answering questions submitted by TCE youth! or, at least, trying really hard to… All this combined with worship, fellowship and food. If you’re 11-25 years old, come and join…

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Trinity Church Eindhoven is co-hosting an evening of prayer during the week of Worldwide prayer for Christian Unity with the Oud Katholiek Kerk at the H. Maria Magdelana OKK at Boschdijk 354, in Eindhoven. This service will be led by Arno Drissen from OKK and Kris Pol from TCE, and will include a few English…

New Year’s Day Prayer

Start the year with a spirit of gratitude, hope, and renewal. Join us for our New Year’s Day Prayer Service, a special time to reflect on God’s faithfulness in the past year and seek His guidance for the year ahead. This service will center around quiet reflection, heartfelt prayers, and uplifting Scripture readings. Whether you’re celebrating…