English-speaking church in Eindhoven

This overview page shows all upcoming events happening in Trinity Church life, previous events can be found on the Past Events page.The Event Categories sidebar widget (to the right, or below on a mobile device) is a handy way to quickly filter events by just the type of event(s) you are interested in.

Overwhelmed by events? The Monthly Calendar is a great way to see a monthly overview, which can also be filtered by event categories (click the folder icon).

1Tim4Twelve Youth (11-13)

The 11-13 year olds meet on Sunday afternoons 3:30-5pm in the church on the first Sunday and on the 3rd Sunday, during term time.

Trinity Book Club 2024/2025

The measure of how radical a revolution Christianity was — and, indeed, continues to be — is that the West, having become utterly saturated by Christian assumptions, remains unable to recognise them as such. Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind, Tom Holland Come to the 2024/25 Trinity Book Club to discover more! In 2023/2024…

Alpha Course 2024

Are you questioning the purpose of life? Or needing refreshing from God? Or just want a real connection with others? Join ALPHA! The Alpha Course is a chance to explore life’s big questions and the essence of the Christian faith with others from the comfort of your very own home. Monday evenings (mostly) online —…

KidZchurch Annual Light Evening

Go! Spread the Light   What: Dinner and dessert, Craft and game, Worship, Bible FUN! Where: Trinity Church (direction details below) How: Sign up by mailing to the KidZchurch Team. Mention Name Child/ren, Age and group at school, Tel no.