English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Limited Communion Service


As the restrictions on gathering in the Netherlands ease Trinity Church is holding limited (currently no more than fifty attending) communion services at at our church building in Aalst. The services will be held (currently) every two weeks. For specific dates available and to register please refer below.

These services are only for those receiving communion. Due to social distancing there will not be a priestly blessing offered to children or those not receiving the bread. There will not be coffee provided following the communion, and any conversations will need to be at 1.5m+ distance. The plan is to record the service and make this available for all to hear and benefit from.

Conditions / Requirements

The following conditions apply:

  1. To comply with health regulations prior registration is mandatory.
  2. Persons must not be showing any COVID-19 symptoms whatsoever for a full week before the event and up to the event.
  3. Persons must commit to clean hands, safe coughing/sneezing and social distance in relation to those not in your household
  4. If you consider yourself vulnerable, please do not come.
  5. Drinks will not be provided but you may take a water bottle.
  6. Children must stay with their parents at all times.

This is where you can reserve your place for the communion service:

Please provide the name(s) of each person wanting to receive communion at the church building. If you will have more than one person attending (a group) then please have just one person fill out details below for everyone coming in the group. Please note there is a maximum of six persons per each group. If you wish to have more than six persons in one group/family attending please contact the pastors.

Registration Form

Please select the date you will be attending communion. You can select only one date per registration submitted.
Please provide the email address of the person registering
Selected Value: 1
Please use the slider to select a number between 1 and 6, the maximum number of persons that can register.
Please give us your feedback on the registration form