They worshipped together at the temple … and shared their meals with great joy and generosity.
Acts Chapter 2 Verse 46 (NLT)
What better way to get to know your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ than through a shared meal. After a busy week and Sunday morning worship a shared meal is a good opportunity to meet new people, deepen relationships and talk about your faith. As Trinity Church is a church of different nationalities (and national dishes) you can enjoy a range of different cuisines in addition to our well loved “boterham” (explanation for non-Dutch persons!).
We plan to meet the last Sunday of every month — dates may change with special periods like Christmas, Easter, school holidays and summer vacation. Check the events calendar to see when the next Trinity church lunch will be held.
What to bring — something to share for lunch which is enough for you and your family.
Have any questions? Contact Manju.