English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Aglow January Prayer Walk

Welcome to 2022! May the Lord Bless and keep you in the year ahead, and may His light shine on our paths and show us His way! 

Our first meeting for 2022 will be a Prayer walk in and around Eindhoven on Saturday 8 January. The Lord is calling us to pray for and over  the peoples of Eindhoven as we ask Him to open our eyes, ears and hearts for the nations settled in this region. As lockdown restrictions still apply, we will first meet together in Zoom. If possible, arrange to join up with another Aglow lady to pray and walk: this can be locally in your streets, or specifically in Meerhoven, Strijp-S or the High Tech Campus. Physically walking provides another dimension to prayer as we breathe, see and hear life on the streets.  If you are unable to walk and prefer to pray in Zoom, then breakout rooms will be available. We feel the Lord calling us to pray specifically for the expats in our region and for vision as to how to reach this new generation. 

Please let the Aglow team know either via email or in the Eindhoven Connect WhatsApp group with whom and where you intend to pray.