English-speaking church in Eindhoven


Trinity church has regular services every Sunday and special services like Easter and Christmas through the church calendar.

Morning Communion Service

There is an early morning service every Sunday at 8.00 am in the church. This will be a communion service and the duration is planned for 45 minutes. Anyone interested in the morning communion service can join. For further details, please contact the chaplain.

Church people

Sunday Service

General Information Come join us for our weekly service on Sunday morning! These services are held in the Trinity Church building (see map above for location and directions) and can also be attended remotely. The Trinity Sunday service is live streamed for those who are in any way unwell, vulnerable, or who cannot attend in…

Holy Week 2025 – Palm Sunday

Join us for a joyful Palm Sunday celebration as we mark the beginning of Holy Week! Children and all are welcome to take part in the Palm Procession, which will begin at the start of the service at 10:30 AM. We will gather outside the church on the grass area of De Pracht, waving palm branches and remembering Jesus’ triumphal entry…

Holy Week 2025 – Monday Service

As we continue our journey through Holy Week, join us for a time of quiet reflection and worship on Holy Monday. This service offers a space to meditate on Jesus’ final days before the cross, drawing from scripture, prayer, and moments of silence. Come and pause in God’s presence as we reflect on Christ’s teachings, His love, and the…

Holy Week 2025 – Tuesday Service

On Holy Tuesday, we reflect on Jesus’ teachings as He prepares for His journey to the cross. In John 12:20-36, Jesus speaks of His impending sacrifice, using the image of a grain of wheat that must fall to the ground and die to bear much fruit. He calls His followers to walk in the light while they…

Holy Week 2025 – Wednesday Service

On Holy Wednesday, we reflect on Jesus’ final moments with His disciples before His journey to the cross. In John 13:21-32, we witness a deeply emotional moment as Jesus, troubled in spirit, reveals that one of His own will betray Him. Even in the face of betrayal, Jesus remains steadfast in His mission, speaking of His coming…

Holy Week 2025 – Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, we remember the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, when He gathered with His disciples for the Last Supper. This sacred evening is marked by Jesus’ act of humility—washing His disciples’ feet—as a powerful example of love and servanthood (John 13:1-17). Jesus also gave His disciples a new commandment:“Love one another. As I have loved…

Holy Week 2025- Good Friday

Join us as we gather to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. Our Good Friday Service is a time of reflection, prayer, and worship, as we meditate on His love and the redemption we have through His death. Through scripture readings, music, and a special message, we will journey through the events of Christ’s…

Holy Week 2025 – Vigil Saturday

We invite you to join us for our Saturday Vigil Service, an opportunity to gather in prayer and reflection as we prepare for the Lord’s Day. The Vigil Service serves as the first celebration of Sunday and offers a peaceful time to focus on God’s word and worship as a community. The Vigil Service is…

Holy Week 2025 – Easter Sunday

Join us for a joyful and uplifting Easter Sunday service as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! This is a time of reflection, hope, and rejoicing in the victory over death. We invite you and your family to come and be part of this special service, where we will praise, worship, and hear the…