English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events (Page 9)

Palm Sunday 2022

This special time of the year we celebrate all that God has done for us through his Son Jesus Christ. At Trinity Church we provide an opportunity for you, your family and friends to walk through the Biblical account of what happened from Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem until his resurrection from the dead. Our…

Aglow January Prayer Walk

Welcome to 2022! May the Lord Bless and keep you in the year ahead, and may His light shine on our paths and show us His way!  Our first meeting for 2022 will be a Prayer walk in and around Eindhoven on Saturday 8 January. The Lord is calling us to pray for and over  the peoples…

Nine Lessons & Carols

General Information Service Leader: Reader Jan Waterschoot Singing is allowed. Face masks are required when coming in, going out, or moving around; the use of masks is suggested if people are necessarily very close to one another, especially if that is for a longer period of time. These will be services in the Church building,…

Holy Communion on Christmas Day

General Information Service Leader: Rev. Daniel Odhiambo Singing is allowed. Face masks are required when coming in, going out, or moving around; the use of masks is suggested if people are necessarily very close to one another, especially if that is for a longer period of time. These will be services in the Church building,…

IBC Christmas Eve Walk

International Baptist Church Eindhoven invites Trinity youths to join them for a Christmas Eve walk. If you are interested in taking part in this, please contact Pamela.

Joint Youth Service

Joint youth service with the International Baptist Church. Open to youths from 11 to 18-ish.

Online Sunday Service

Trinity Church will not be holding any usual meetings or services until allowed by relevant health authorities. Fellowship, worship, prayer and service will now be facilitated by online platforms (this meeting) or ‘hybrid’ services (limited physical attendance plus online). To ensure you receive Trinity communications and are able to join our on-line events as an…

Spiritual Gifts Course

The cell group that meets on Tuesday evenings will be starting a new study series after the summer vacation called DESIGN, exploring Spiritual Gifts.