English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events (Page 8)

Holy Week 2023 – Tuesday Service

The major events that are observed during the Holy week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday vigil and Easter Sunday. This year at Trinity we will also meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We do not know exactly what happened during these days leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. But…

Holy Week 2023 – Monday Service

The major events that are observed during the Holy week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday vigil and Easter Sunday. This year at Trinity we will also meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We do not know exactly what happened during these days leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. But…

Palm Sunday Service 2023

On Palm Sunday, we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. We will begin our service outside on Palm Sunday with “the Procession of the Palms,” where we will hold palm branches as we sing and process into the church.

XEE Informational Session 1

Trinity Church Eindhoven is starting XEE friendship evangelism ministry in 2023. Evangelism explosion for generation X (XEE) exists to equip all of us Christians to share our story and the Good News of Jesus in a simple, short and understandable way through conversations with our (non-believing) family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances – people already…

European English Aglow Conference 2023

The European English Aglow Conference will take place from March 17th to 19th. The theme of the conference is OPEN WIDE THE KINGDOM. For more information and to register, see HERE.

KidZchurch Leaders Workshop

This workshop for leaders of our KidZchurch ministry will be led by Marjolijn, our former Kidzchurch leader. Please approach one of the current KidZchurch leaders if you are interested in joining this workshop.

Ash Wednesday 2023

This will be an evening service held in Trinity Church to celebrate Ash Wednesday where we follow liturgy for the imposition of ashes. Please attend this service prayerfully. All are welcome!

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023

Learn to do good; seek justice. (Isaiah 1:17) The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 encourages Churches to do good and seek justice. Special attention is drawn to lack of equality and racism. During the Week of Prayer for Unity millions of Christians worldwide pray together. By praying together we experience that we belong…

Church Lunch January 2023

After the 10:30 service on the 22nd of January, we will be sharing a meal together. Please bring a dish and join us for food and fellowship!

New Year’s Eve Service 2022

The New Year Eve service will be held in the church on Saturday the 31st Dec. at 11.30 pm. This will be a communion service where we will be meditating and seeking God’s guidance and help for the upcoming new year. The service will go upto 1.00 am. We invite you to attend this service…