This year’s AGM & elections will be conducted on April 16th, 2023. Please mark this date in your agenda.
Trinity Church Eindhoven is starting XEE friendship evangelism ministry in 2023. Evangelism explosion for generation X (XEE) exists to equip all of us Christians to share our story and the Good News of Jesus in a simple, short and understandable way through conversations with our (non-believing) family members, friends, relatives and acquaintances – people already…
An opportunity to invite new people to AGLOW, to discover the purpose, warmth, fellowship, teaching and community we enjoy. A time to soak in worship and to share breakfast. Please bring some breakfast items to share. To make bringing new people easier we have made an invitation for you to print out/ send by email…
On Easter Sunday, we remember and celebrate the triumphant Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead! After the service we will celebrate with Easter cakes and goodies. Please bring to share with all.
At the Easter Vigil we gather in darkness, just as the women who went to the tomb went there before dawn. Our vigil begins in this darkness and the light is carried into the midst of the people, and spreads. We rehearse the story of our redemption. This is the story of the preparation for…
On Good Friday we remember the events leading upto the crucifixion and the crucifixion itself. At Trinity, this service is a sombre service. We will hear a dramatized version of the passion reading (John 18:1-19:42) starting from the betrayal and arrest of Jesus to the crucifixion, death and burial of Jesus. The cross will be…
Seder meal is primarily a re-enactment to better understand the Last Supper of Jesus and the roots of the Christian Eucharist. We cannot understand Jesus Christ, his mission, teachings and his life without understanding the significance of the Jewish people, their history and belief from the Old Testament. The Passover is an ancient Jewish festival…
The major events that are observed during the Holy week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday vigil and Easter Sunday. This year at Trinity we will also meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We do not know exactly what happened during these days leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. But…
The major events that are observed during the Holy week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday vigil and Easter Sunday. This year at Trinity we will also meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We do not know exactly what happened during these days leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. But…
The major events that are observed during the Holy week are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday vigil and Easter Sunday. This year at Trinity we will also meet on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We do not know exactly what happened during these days leading up to Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. But…