English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events (Page 18)

Ash Wednesday Service

This is a short service of scriptures, prayers with imposition of Ashes to begin the season of Lent leading to Good Friday and Easter. All are welcome.

International Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019

‘Keep your eyes on Justice’ is the theme for the Week of Prayer this year. This week will take place from the 20th to the 27th of January. The theme is closely related to the call for justice as we find it in the Bible, in the Book of Deuteronomy; it is chosen by the…

9 Lessons and Carols

On Christmas Eve there will be a traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols. There will be some lessons in Dutch and a verse or two of a carol in Dutch or German. The whole neighbourhood and all Trinity friends are invited to join in with hot drinks including mulled wine to follow.

Alpha Course – International Baptist Church Eindhoven

Alpha course organised by the International Baptist Church Eindhoven The Alpha course explores the basics of Christian faith over 11 evenings and 1 weekend. The evening sessions will be on Sundays from 18:00-20:15 at IBC Eindhoven (Geestakker 546, Eindhoven), and starts with dinner. Start: Sunday Sept 30th Weekend: Nov 17-18th Finish: Sunday Dec 16th Please…

Christmas Market Fair

Trinity Christmas Fair

We are pleased to offer food for lunch, delicious Christmas treats and hand-crafted jams and jellies, hand crafted gifts, hand crafted Christmas decorations & Christmas arrangements, a Christmas Card making table, and this year, also special CD for sale performed and produced by our own Matthieu Helder!  We may be adding more special things to…

Eindhoven Indians’ Christmas Outreach 2018

The 2018 Indian Christmas event is organised in Eindhoven by a group of Indian friends and families from Trinity Church, International Baptist, Corner Stone Baptist and a few students from the Christian fellowship at TU/e, the Eindhoven University of Technology. The purpose is to jointly celebrate Christmas as a means to reach out to our…

KidZchurch Parents meeting

This will be for ALL parents of KidZchurch children after the service. Subjects that will be shared are: the order of the morning the curriculum learning Bible verses KidZchurch Fun events Contact All Age services Safety Prayer We will most probably meet in the Stepping Stones room. The meeting will start after the KidZchurch- and…

Shoebox Return

Please make sure you return your filled and wrapped shoebox, along with €5 for the handling cost, to church on this Sunday — the 18th of November. You can read more about what is required for this event here.

Towards Jerusalem Council II

The Towards Jerusalem Council II Mission is holding an open-day featuring a speaker representing Messianic (Jewish) believers – Mr. Eyal Friedman. The presentations will be in English with Dutch translation. Beyond time and venue information as shown above, take own lunch and note covering cost is €15 paid to NL35 INGB 0001 5643 88 to…