English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Past Events (Page 11)

Online Sunday Service

Trinity Church will not be holding any usual meetings or services until allowed by relevant health authorities. Fellowship, worship, prayer and service will now be facilitated by online platforms (this meeting) or ‘hybrid’ services (limited physical attendance plus online). To ensure you receive Trinity communications and are able to join our on-line events as an…

Spiritual Gifts Course

The cell group that meets on Tuesday evenings will be starting a new study series after the summer vacation called DESIGN, exploring Spiritual Gifts.

Aglow September Meeting and Lunch

We would like to warmly invite you to join us in person at our September meeting. Our Speaker is Dianne de Jong. It has been a year since we were physically able to be in each other’s company, and although we have been blessed by our Zoom fellowship, it is good to gather together again.…

July Prayer Event

Come and experience the power of prayer! In this guided prayer event, we will be praying together through the Lord’s prayer.

The Prayer Course

The Prayer Course

Have you ever struggled with prayer? Wondered what to say? Is God even listening anyhow? And what about all those ‘unanswered’ prayers? Then you’re in good company. Who better to teach us than Jesus Himself? This 8-week course (on Zoom) follows a different section of the Lord’s Prayer each week. The topics will be: Date…

Hybrid Service – Pentecost

General Information Though music will be played singing will not be possible in the building. Wearing of face masks is required. These will be services in the Church building but with limited seating at 1.5m social distancing. The services will also be available on Zoom (link available through our newsletter) for those who are in…

Online Alpha Course

A chance to explore life’s big questions and the essence of the Christian faith from the comfort of your very own home. The Alpha Course ONLINE! The course is free and runs every Monday evening from 25th of January through to 26th April starting at 20:15 (8:15 PM). There will be one weekend session during…

Online Service + AGM

This Sunday will be an Online service followed by the Trinity Church Annual General Meeting (also fully online). Information regarding the Annual General Meeting will be forwarded in the weekly church newsletter. General information about how to join our online services can be found here. Virtual Offering Bag No virtual church service would be complete without a virtual offering bag! If you…

Easter Sunday

Celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. This will be a Hybrid Service with Holy Communion, presided over by Mr. Jaap Haasnoot. Registration To register for attending the service in the Trinity Church building please click the ‘Register’ button above. General Information Though music will be played singing will not be possible in…

Easter Eve

The Great Vigil of Easter, a celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will light the Easter fire and the special candle and renew our baptismal vows.This will be a Hybrid Service with Holy Communion, presided over by Mr. Jaap Haasnoot. Registration To register for attending the service in the Trinity Church…