English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Thy Kingdom Come Prayer Event

10—10—10 for Thy Kingdom Come

Trinity Church will be joining churches worldwide in Lighting up the World in Prayer by praying for people to come to Christ as Saviour. We will be praying for a minimum of 10 people for a minimum of 10 minutes each day for a minimum of 10 days between the 9th and 19th May (Ascension Day and Pentecost). The Prayer Journal from the website is available here.

We will spend time during the All-Age Service on 12 May exploring how this prayer follows Jesus’ words to his disciples just before his Ascension and we will celebrate on Pentecost the coming of the Spirit to empower our prayers.

To facilitate these prayers, the church will be open DAILY in this period from 7-9 p.m. AND, we are opening the church additionally for a 24-HOUR prayer session from Friday, 17 May at 1 p.m. to Saturday, 18 May at 1 p.m. Sign up with Kris Pol so that we can ensure we have coverage for the whole time.

The church will be set up with prayer stations to help us to enter more deeply into prayer. Cell groups, families, and individuals are encouraged to arrange additional times to come to pray in the space. Spending an hour or more of time focused on God can be transformational! Again, contact Kris to arrange for access.

During this time, we are encouraging everone to integrate the prayers for people to come to know Jesus in their regular prayer times … this can be a great start for family prayers! We also suggest prayer walking: praying for your neighborhood, workplace, etc. as you walk through your day (can also be done on a bike, but it’s really important to keep your eyes open!)

Pastor Harrison has a blog post giving a bit more theological grounding, and resources are available on the global Thy Kingdom Come website to facilitate your personal prayer time. (Also child focused activities: look for “Cheeky Panda”.)

We are looking forward to praying together for God’s Kingdom to come into more and more peoples hearts and lives.

The website with the ‘toolshed’ for the 24/7 Prayer Course is here. The table below shows the resource from the toolshed to use for the sections of the Lord’s Prayer.

SectionResource No.
Our Father who is in heaven,1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17
Hallowed be your name,5, 7
Thy kingdom come,10, 23
Thy will be done,15
On earth as in heaven,29
Give us today our daily bread,2, 21, 22 , 18
Forgive us our sins,24, 25, 26
Lead us not into temptation,19
Deliver us from evil,13, 15, 16, 26, 27
For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory14, 20